I'm not quite sure why i never got around to posting many of these photo's a while ago. These were some photographs i took on my travels to Spain last year (October), I stayed with J's grandma for 6 days. We're visiting again in July (4 weeks) so it will be lovely to see the difference between when i went in the autumn and when i go in the summer.
Where we visit isn't really a touristy area and so i get to experience the real culture and not just the 'good' bits. I like the nitty gritty and all the 'behind the scenes' that tourists don't usually get to experience and see. I can't wait to get travelling again. It's one of my most favorite feelings, adventure.

Cheesy couple photograph because i love him so much; Oh and excuse the hair in my eye...

May being a very busy month for me, was lovely. I visited many beautiful places like the sea and little vintage shops with my family, whilst also attending celebrations of several birthdays including my 17th. I have taken on board many shoots and studied for my end of year exams at college. The summer sun appeared to kiss our skin for a week or so, before playfully hiding behind the clouds, for the first time this year. I started sketching again, writing again and loving everything. I've got the chance to meet and talk to so many inspiring young minds, making new friends and plans for the future. May has given me the all inspiration and opportunities i've needed for the summer. Also, this past month has increased my anticipation for 3 upcoming trips where i'll be travelling. Sometimes alone, sometimes with J and sometimes with my family.

I believe since my imagination has become my obsession and my need to take photographs, my head has returned to the clouds, making me foresee all the little things which will make my future the greatest i know it will be.

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